Project X

Help me add more items to this list. Also feel free to suggest alternatives for existing items (some of which are admittedly weak).

I was originally thinking of product names only, but have since branched out considerably. But I'm still going to stick with the "single word, single initial" rule.

Grade {mag}, Chunky {tm}, Coenzyme {tm}, Retin {rb}, Model {rb}, Linear {rb} A
Xyklon {dw}, Plan {mag}, Killer {tm}, Hepatitis {rb}, Linear {rb}, Mel {rb}, Oral {mag} B
Vitamin {mag}, Hi- {mag, pd}, Jupiter {rb}, Middle {di}, Mr. {ra} C
Square {tm}, Sunny {mag}, Heavy {tm}, Chuck {tm}, Tavist {jc}, Channel {dl}, 3 {jm} D
Sheila {mag} E
IV {mag} F
Kenny {mag} G
Preparation {mag}, 4 {rb} H
Doctor {bd} J
Special {ra}, Aries {dw}, 24 {rb}, Circle {rb}, 10 {jc}, Ace {tm}, Planet {tm}, 401 {ra} K
One {jm} L
3 {rb} M
Jell- {jm}, Spaghetti- {rb}, Harry {mag}, Jackie {bd} O
Planet {tm}, P
Susie {bd}, Planet {dl} Q
Big {dw} R
Split {dl} S
Model {dw}, Mr. {bd}, Ice {tm}, Booker {rb} T
Thank {dl} U
Saturn {rb}, Flying {jf} V
Compound {mag}, Group {rb} W
Generation {dw, ra}, Planet {mag}, Malcolm {ra, bd}, Racer {tm}, Project {tm}, Brand {tm} X
Channel {ra} Z
A 1 {ra}, Team {ra}, Frame {tm}, List {dl}, Line {jm}, OK {rb}, Train {rb}, Bomb {dl}
B Movie {tm}
C Note {tm}, Rations {tm}, Span {rb}, Section {dw}, Clamp {rb}, Cup {dw}
D Day {rb}, Ring {rb}
E Coli {rb}, Ticket {tm}, Mail {mag}, Boat {rb}, Meter {rb}
F Stop {tm, jm}, Troop {rb}
G String {ra}, Spot {ra, dl}, Man {dw}, Love {tm}, Force {ra}, 7 {ra}, 3 {jf}
H Back {tm}, Hour {rb}, Bomb {jm}
I Beam {tm}, Book {rb}, Ching {dw}, Mac {di}, Card {jc}, Pro {ra}
J Crew {di}, Stroke {tm}
K Mart {tm}, Tel {rb}, Rations {rb}, 9 {mag}
L 1011 {rb}, Dopa {jc}, 7 {jf}
M Butterfly {rb}, 16 {jf}, 80 {jf}
N Space {rb}
O Zone {tm}, Henry {dl}, Gauge {rb}, Ring {jm}
P Mac {mag}, Funk {jf}
Q Tip {dw}, Bert {tm}, Ship {rb}, Continuum {rb}
R Value {tm}
S Curve {rb}, Bus {rb}, Video {jf}
T Man {mag}, Square {tm}, Bird {dl}, Bone {rb}, Rex {rb}, Matic {mag}, Fal {jm}, Formation {ra}
U Boat {tm}, Turn {dl}, 2 {mag}, Matic {jf}
V Chip {tm}, 8 {rb}, Twin {rb}, 2 {mag, rb}, Neck {jm}, Brakes {ra}
W 2 {di}
X Factor {ra}, Files {ra}, Ray {tm}, Men {tm}, Rated {rb}, Wing {rb}, Mas {rb}, Acto {dl}
Y Chromosome {ra}
Z Score {di}, Buffer {jf}, Man {bw}, Mail {dw}


ra: Rick Arnoldy, rb: Robert Brunner, jc: Janet Coleman, bd: Bob Duran, pd: Phil Duran, jf: Joe Futrelle, di: Drew Ivan, dl: Dennis Linse, tm: Tom Matches, jm: Jeana McAllister, dw: Daniel Weber, bw: Bill Wendling, mag: Me

Special credit and thanks to Dennis Linse, surfer extraordinaire, for providing most of the links to these items. Hang ten, dude.

Tom Magliery
[email protected]